New Sustainability Agenda Will Guide the Work of MORPC and Communities

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The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission has adopted an updated Regional Sustainability Agenda, the guiding document for MORPC’s sustainability-focused programming and committees over the next four years.

The agenda helps position Central Ohio and its local communities as national leaders in sustainability through creative partnerships, enabling innovative solutions, and flexible processes.

The agenda’s main goals are for the region to improve air quality and reduce climate change impacts, protect and preserve its natural resources, improve quality of life through sustainable and equitable communities, and promote sustainable growth and development.

“The sustainability agenda touches nearly every aspect of our communities – especially as it relates to the health and equity of the region’s most vulnerable residents. It not only guides our vision for sustainability in the region; it also includes measurable outcomes to track our success.”

The agenda was developed by a sub-committee of MORPC’s Sustainability Advisory Committee composed of an assortment of professionals from local government, the business community, non-profits, and other regional partners. The subcommittee was led by City of Upper Arlington Senior Planner Justin Milam and Smart Columbus’ Alex Slaymaker.

“We are very proud of the updated agenda, as it is forward-looking, but also balances the varying and diverse needs of our region. The agenda will affirm the Central Ohio region as one where sustainability is embedded in the culture of our partners.”

Each goal and objective will be data-driven and guided by underlying principles related to resiliency, equity and diversity, public health and well-being, and collaboration – ensuring sustainable impacts reach all communities within our region, providing prosperity for all.

The Regional Sustainability Agenda provides the framework for MORPC member governments and regional partners to work toward common goals.

Sustainable2050, a recognition and technical assistance program that supports MORPC members in their sustainability efforts, is directly tied to the goals and objectives of the sustainability agenda.

The Regional Sustainability Dashboard is the official tool for tracking regional progress toward the goals found in the agenda.

With the content of the 2021-2024 Regional Sustainability Agenda now finalized and adopted, MORPC is in the process of putting it into print and web-friendly formats, which will soon be available to the public.

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