Hilliard Rome Road Grade Separation Project

The  City of Columbus is requesting $26.6 million for the Hilliard Rome Road Grade Separation Project from the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Grant Program.  The project will separate the existing at-grade railroad crossing on Hilliard Rome Road by extending Galloway Road and constructing a new separated railroad crossing over the existing railroad tracks.  The results of this project will separate a hazardous at-grade railroad crossing, improve transportation insecurity in the surrounding communities, and extend the impact and benefit of federal and local investments in the LinkUS West Broad Street Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor.  This application leverages a $3.3 million award from the Ohio Rail Crossing Elimination Program, administered by the Ohio rail Development Commission.

Project Narrative

Elected Officials

City of Columbus City Auditor

Columbus City Council Member Melissa Green

Columbus City Council Member Nancy Day-Achauer

Franklin County Clerk of Courts Maryellen O’Shaughnessy

Franklin County Engineer’s Office

Franklin County Recorder Daniel J. O’Connor Jr.

Ohio House of Representatives – State Representative Adam C. Miller

Ohio House of Representatives – State Representative Richard D. Brown

Ohio Senate – State Senator Hearcel F. Craig

U.S. House of Representatives – Congressman Mike Carey

U.S. Senate – Senator Sherrod Brown

State and Local Government

Franklin Township

Prairie Township

City of Hilliard

Franklin County Board of Commissioners

Agencies and Coalitions

Central Ohio Transit Authority

City of Columbus Recreation and Parks

Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks

Columbus Chamber of Commerce

Columbus Public Health

Columbus Regional Airport Authority

Columbus-Franklin County Finance Authority

Franklin County Public Health JM

Franklin County Public Health

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission

Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio

Corporations and Private Business

Norfolk Southern Corporation

Hospitals, Non-Profit Agencies, and Public Charities

Columbus Metropolitan Library


Educational Institutions

Columbus City Schools

Professional Organizations and Trade Associations

American Council of Engineering Companies

Columbus Building Trades Council

Columbus Region Logistics Council

Neighborhood Organizations and Business Associations

Far West Area Commission

Westland Area Commission

Chesapeake Farms Block Watch

Other Stakeholders

Ms. Michele Bower

Contact Information
Maria Schaper
Associate Director, Transportation Planning

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