Local Government Officials Can Benefit from Ohio University Training

An upcoming training series being offered by the Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs will better prepare officials at the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s member governments to carry out their roles.

The Voinovich Academy’s “Governing Essentials for Local Elected Officials” training series is targeted toward relatively new local council, board, or commission members – or experienced officials seeking a refresher – who can benefit from a high-level understanding of topics essential to effective public service.

“MORPC and OU are partners in helping to make local governments thrive. The Voinovich Academy’s program for local elected officials is an example of such in assisting local leaders in a variety of ways to help them lead their communities, improve technical programs, and ensure a better quality of life for all of their residents.”

Session topics include governance, finance, leadership, economic development, strategic communications, safety, and public works. The curriculum was developed under the guidance of an advisory council, with support from seasoned practitioners who will be leading the sessions.

"The Voinovich Academy is excited to launch the 'Governing Essentials for Local Elected Officials' and looks forward to bringing leaders together to share ideas and opportunities from newly elected to experienced officials. MORPC’s leadership and team have been with us every step of the way, and we value their partnership and leadership as we go forward."

The program is presented in two parts: the Core Program and the Enrichment Program. To earn a certificate of completion for this program, participants will complete all four workshops in the Core Program and at least one workshop in the Enrichment Program.

The workshops will be held from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays during May and June.

  • The workshops in the Core Program will take place in May and are planned as in-person sessions, if health guidelines permit. They will be offered at Ohio University’s Dublin Integrated Education Center (6805 Bobcat Way, Dublin). If restrictions are still in place, these sessions will be held in a virtual format.
  • The workshops in the Enrichment Program will take place in June and are planned as virtual sessions, offered via the Zoom platform.

More information on the training series and the registration link are available here. Questions can be directed to GVAcademy@ohio.edu.


MPA Tuition Scholarships

As part of a partnership announced last year between MORPC and the Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, staff members at MORPC-member organizations are encouraged to pursue an Executive Master of Public Administration (MPA) or online MPA through the school.

Employees who work at MORPC and for its member governments are eligible to receive a $1,000 incentive scholarship for their first academic term in either program.

With upcoming application deadlines quickly approaching, those interested in the programs can find more information on them here.

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