Public Invited to Review Proposed Transportation Projects

2024-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Nearing Completion

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) has made available for review and public comment the draft transportation strategies and projects under consideration for inclusion in the 2024-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).

The MTP is a long-range planning document that identifies transportation policies, strategies, and projects in MORPC’s federally designated transportation planning area. This area includes Delaware County; Franklin County; Bloom and Violet townships in Fairfield County; New Albany, Pataskala, and Etna Township in Licking County; and Jerome Township in Union County.

Draft strategies have been identified and are available for review and comment. These strategies will be used to create an efficient and comprehensive transportation system for the region. In addition to the strategies, MORPC also identifies transportation projects to be included in the MTP.

“To ensure federal transportation funding in the future, projects are required be included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Working closely with local, state, federal entities and the public allows us to be inclusive in preparing Central Ohio for future growth in the region.”

MORPC reviews the local plans and studies to identify transportation needs and potential projects, which are then placed on a list of candidate projects. Also included in the list of candidate projects are recommendations received from the public. After review and evaluation, the proposed projects for inclusion in the 2024-2050 MTP are made available at 2024-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan –

Roadway, pedestrian, bikeway, and public transit projects – including improvements identified by the Central Ohio Transit Authority and Delaware County Transit Board – are included in the MTP. The plan considers effects upon low-income, historically marginalized communities, as well as an air quality conformity analysis.   

Members of the public and local governments are encouraged to comment on the draft strategies and projects to ensure their plans, studies and transportation-related needs are reflected in them.   


“Before the final plan is adopted this spring, it’s important for us to receive feedback on the impact of the strategies and projects on those who will be affected the most: the communities and residents. Members of the public will be the ones using the transportation system, and our goal is to develop a system that is beneficial to all.”

Public comments can be submitted directly on the MTP interactive map, by e-mail to or submitted in writing to:


111 Liberty Street, Suite 100, Columbus, Ohio 43215

Attn: Maria Schaper

Public comments on the proposed projects must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 29, 2024.  

A complete draft of the 2024-2050 MTP will be available for review and comment in late February at the 2024-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan webpage. MORPC will host an open house at its office from 3:30-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. A formal presentation to review the proposed changes will take place at 5:30 p.m. 

The final plan is expected to be adopted in May 2024.

For more information or assistance please contact Maria Schaper at 614-233-4153, or via email at Visit the 2024-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan webpage to learn more.