State of Ohio Accepting Innovation Grant Applications

Ohio’s State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) is accepting applications for its annual innovation grants.

STIC funds may be used to implement system process changes; build capacity; develop guidance, standards, and specifications; organize peer exchanges; offset implementation costs; conduct internal assessments; or conduct other activities meeting the requirements.

The grant will award a total of $100,000 in funding to selected applications meeting the following eligibility requirements:

  • The project must have a statewide impact in fostering a culture for innovation or in making an innovation a standard practice.
  • The project/activity for which incentive funding is requested must align with Technology and Innovation Deployment Program (TIDP) goals.
  • The project/activity must be eligible for Federal-aid assistance and adhere to applicable federal requirements (the same as any LPA project).
  • The proposed project/activity must be started as soon as practical (preferably within six months, but no later than one year) after notification of approval for STIC Incentive funding, and the funds must be expended within two years.

To view what Ohio has funded since the program’s beginnings in 2014, click here.

Click here to view the application form.

Applications are due by Tuesday, June 21.

Those with questions can reach out to MORPC Transportation Study Director Nick Gill at (614) 233-4151 or ODOT Innovation Coordinator Rich Winning at (614) 644-5424.