Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is a long-range planning document that identifies transportation deficiencies, policies, strategies, and projects over the next two decades. It is updated on a four-year cycle. We coordinate the development of the MTP with communities throughout Central Ohio and with other local, state and federal agencies.

Why do we do a Metropolitan Transportation Plan?

As the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the metropolitan Columbus planning area, MORPC is required to conduct a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process – with a 20-year horizon – that results in producing a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and Transportation Improvement Program for the region.

The MTP makes the greater Columbus region eligible to receive a large amount of federal transportation funding to improve, maintain, and operate highways, public transit, bikeways, sidewalks, and related facilities. Transportation projects must be included in the MTP to be eligible to receive federal funding.

2024-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

MORPC follows a continuous, comprehensive, and cooperative planning cycle, and as such, updates the MTP every four years. Work is concluding on the 2024-2050 Metropolitan Transportation, set to be adopted in May 2024.  Information on the 2024-2050 MTP can be viewed at the page linked below.