Programs and Services
Consultant Services Program
The Consultant Services Program assists communities with the Request for Proposal (RFP) process through the drafting of RFP documents, prequalifying consultants in the eligible program areas, reviewing initial proposals and facilitating final presentations.
CORPO Dedicated Funds
The SY 2024-2050 CORPO Dedicated Funds program committed just over $1.1 million of funding for member-selected, eligible projects within the CORPO region.
CORPO Safety Action Plan
CORPO received a $200,000 federal grant through the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program to develop a comprehensive Safety Action Plan for the seven-county CORPO planning area.
CORPO Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The CORPO TIP is the four-year program of projects and strategies implementing the near-term priorities in the CORPO Transportation Plan.
CORPO Transportation Plan (CTP)
Serving as the Rural Transportation Planning Organization for its member counties, one important responsibility of CORPO is the creation and periodic updating of a long-term transportation plan.
Economic Development
Economic Development is one of MORPC’s focus area goals. Closely aligned with MORPC’s four pillars of Pay It Forward, Drive Investment, Build Value for Our Members, and Create an Environment for Prosperity, Economic Development focuses on engaging with MORPC’s members to facilitate important discussions aligned with their regional priorities, identify funding resources and tools to advance initiatives and prepare the region for economic prosperity.
Energy and Sustainability
From energy conservation to resource development, MORPC’s energy expertise is available to assist the region in their efforts to develop sustainable and resilient energy systems as we prepare for the future.
Enhanced Mobility
Our work in enhanced mobility relates to transportation options for older adults and individuals with disabilities. It includes the Delaware and Franklin Counties Goals and Strategies from the Regional Mobility Plan and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)’s Section 5310 Funding Program for the Columbus urbanized area. The Regional Mobility Plan covers the Human Services Transportation Coordinated Plan for ODOT Region 6 which includes Franklin, Delaware, Licking, Madison, Pickaway, Fairfield, Fayette, Logan, and Union counties.
Free Residential Services
MORPC works to help low- and moderate-income households maintain and improve their homes through repair and energy efficiency (weatherization) programs. Each program has different eligibility requirements, so please review the information below to determine which program meets your needs. If you apply and are ineligible, MORPC staff will redirect you to other resources.
Gohio Commute
Our Gohio Commute program will help you rethink your ride and help you find a smarter way to commute to work.