Programs and Services
Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is a long-range planning document that identifies transportation deficiencies, policies, strategies, and projects over the next two decades.
MORPC-Attributable Funding for Transportation
A portion of federal transportation funding is allocated at MORPC’s discretion, following an application and selection process. We call these funds MORPC-Attributable Funds.
Neighborhood Air Quality Monitoring Program
Establishing an Air Quality Monitoring Network to Inform Local Strategies
Planner Pool Program
The Planner Pool Program aims to provide communities with direct professional assistance to support local planning functions, such as discretionary and ministerial reviews, and miscellaneous short-term projects or research related to land use, development, sustainability, or transportation.
Planning Work Program (PWP)
The Planning Work Program (PWP) describes the transportation planning, projects and studies we conduct during the state fiscal year running from July 1 through June 30. It is one of three major planning documents mandated by the federal government for metropolitan planning organizations.
The RAPID 5 project is a collaboration of MORPC, the Urban Land Institute of Columbus, Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks, and many public and private partners throughout Central Ohio.
Rapid Speed Transportation Initiative (RSTI)
The Rapid-Speed Transportation Initiative builds upon MORPC’s ongoing efforts to develop stronger transportation connections with neighboring regions. This initiative is focused on improving connectivity to Chicago and Pittsburgh through exploration of two transportation technologies, including traditional passenger rail and hyperloop.
Regional Housing Strategy
The Regional Housing Strategy envisions a future where growth and recovery help realize more equity among Central Ohioans, not less.
Regional Mobility Plan
MORPC worked with nine Central Ohio counties to develop a transit coordinated plan for the ODOT Human Service Transportation Coordination Region 6 – the Regional Mobility Plan.