CORPO Transportation Plan (CTP)

Serving as the Rural Transportation Planning Organization for its member counties, one important responsibility of CORPO is the creation and periodic updating of a long-term transportation plan. The CORPO Transportation Plan (CTP) is this regional, long-range transportation plan and it identifies the multimodal and intermodal transportation policies and facilities needed to meet the CORPO’s anticipated travel demands for the next twenty-plus years. Long-range transportation plans should be revisited and updated every five years. Initially adopted in 2018, the CORPO Transportation plan recently underwent an update to cover the 2023-2050 planning horizon.

CORPO 2023-2050 Transportation Plan

Long-range transportation plans should be revisited and updated every five years. CORPO adopted its 2023-2050 Transportation Plan in November 2023. The plan can be viewed in the links below. A virtual public open house for the 2023-2050 CTP was held on Thursday, October 19, 2023. A recording of the presentation can be viewed here.

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