The Joint Columbus and Franklin County Housing Advisory Board is a Franklin County Multifamily Bond Program administered by MORPC. The Franklin County Board of Commissioners has issued tax exempt or taxable multifamily revenue bonds for privately owned rental developments since 1994.
The purpose of the program is to expand and preserve the supply of affordable rental housing throughout Franklin County. The board of commissioners issues the bonds upon the recommendation of the Joint Columbus and Franklin County Housing Advisory Board, to which members have been appointed by the board of commissioners and the mayor of Columbus.
MORPC administers the multifamily bond program for the Franklin County Board of Commissioners. The board reviews and recommends to the Franklin County Board of Commissioners all requests for inducements or issuance of housing bonds.
The secretary of the Joint Columbus and Franklin County Housing Advisory Board is MORPC Director of Residential Services Robert Williams.
Meetings & Materials
December 6, 2023
No Meetings
January 12, 2021
April 27, 2021