Transportation Improvement Program

Through our Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), residents and communities can see what transportation projects in their area are receiving funding during the next four years. It includes a listing of the projects and programs, as well as the specific funding sources committed to each of them. All projects receiving federal funding are included in the TIP. The TIP prioritizes the actions that will help us achieve performance targets established in our Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

2026-2029 TIP Update
The TIP is fully updated every two years. MORPC works collaboratively with regional stakeholders to develop a draft of the TIP, which is published for a public comment period before final revisions and adoption.

Learn More About the 2026-2029 TIP
View the Guide to the Transportation Improvement Program to learn more about how the TIP is developed and what projects are included in the 2026-2029 TIP.

Review the full Draft 2026-2029 TIP

Provide Feedback on the Draft 2026-2029 TIP
Use an interactive map to view projects and share comments.

Email your comments to

Join us for an Open House at the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission on April 2, 2025 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Submit written comments to:

Maria Schaper, Transportation Director
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission
111 Liberty Street, Suite 100
Columbus, Ohio 43215

The 2024-2027 TIP was adopted in May of 2023 via Resolution T-5-23.

2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Appendix 1 – Air Quality Conformity

Appendix 2 – Public Involvement

Appendix 3 – Environmental Justice

MORPC held a public open-house on March 28th, 2023, to answer questions and receive comments on the draft 2024-27 TIP. The materials presented at the open house are linked here.

Draft COTA Short Range Transit Plan 2023-2027

The SFY 2021-2024 TIP was adopted in May 2020 and became effective July 1, 2020. The 2021-2024 TIP is the official TIP until the 2024-2027 TIP is adopted in May 2023.

2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Air Quality Conformity Appendix

Environmental Justice Appendix  

Public Involvement Appendix

Virtual Open House

A virtual open house was held March 31, 2020. The presentation slides can be viewed here, and the video of the presentation as well as the display materials are available here.

Schedules and cost estimates for large construction projects change constantly, and transportation projects are no exception. Sometimes new projects emerge as opportunities arise. We do not have to amend the TIP for every change to every project. However, we do amend it for some significant changes so that projects can proceed toward construction. For these situations, we have adopted these resolutions to amend the TIP:


Resolution T-10-20

Resolution T-11-20

Resolution T-13-20


Resolution T-1-21

Resolution T-6-21

Resolution T-7-21

Resolution T-14-21


Resolution T-3-22

Resolution T-8-22

Resolution T-10-22

To improve the transparency of the expenditure of federal transportation funds, we release a report listing funding obligated for every fiscal year. The obligation is the federal government’s legal commitment to pay the federal share of a project’s cost. The obligated funds are attributable to entire projects, including those portions located outside of our planning area. The reports provide technical information in a format understandable by anyone interested in surface transportation improvement, and it includes the federal amount listed in the TIP or subsequent TIP amendments.

Annual Federal Obligation Listing (State Fiscal Year 2024)

Annual Federal Obligation Listing (State Fiscal Year 2023)

Annual Federal Obligation Listing (State Fiscal Year 2022)

Annual Federal Obligation Listing (State Fiscal Year 2021)

Annual Federal Obligation Listing (State Fiscal Year 2020)

Annual Federal Obligation Listing (State Fiscal Year 2019)

Annual Federal Obligation Listing (State Fiscal Year 2018)

Annual Federal Obligation Listing (State Fiscal Year 2017)

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