Traffic Growth Rates

Our Traffic Modeling team can provide traffic growth rates needed for Traffic Impact Studies that are required by municipalities.

A traffic growth rate is used to grow an existing traffic count to estimate the forecasted volume for a future year at specific locations. These can be applied to existing intersections and existing road segments.

Growth Rate Requests

In order to provide a growth rate, MORPC needs the following information:

  1. Traffic count data for which the growth rate will be applied.
    • It is most efficient if new counts are provided to us by utilizing the Excel Spreadsheet template available here.
    • Instructions on using this template can be found here.
    • The count will be uploaded to our online traffic count database available here.
    • If an existing count in our database is to be used, please provide us information on the specific count(s) that will be used.
    • MORPC requires a 24-hour volume count to be provided at the specified study segments or intersections.
  2. Opening year and design year of the project or study.
  3. Roadway network assumptions (i.e., any future roadway assumptions in the vicinity of the project, such as changes in the number of travel lanes, new roadways, etc.)
  4. Land Use Assumptions: general information on the site location/development, ITE Trip Generation Report, site map, etc.)
  5. The project contact person at the municipality that would review the study.
  6. Any other important background information for the linear growth rate.

Email the above information to MORPC at

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