Architecture Scope
The scope of the Regional ITS Architecture can be described in terms of: 1) the size of the region and jurisdictions covered (geographic scope), 2) the planning or time horizon, and 3) the variety of transportation services that are covered. This scope is defined in the context of adjacent and overlapping Regional ITS Architectures.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are the application of interrelated systems of computers, electronics, and communication technologies and management strategies to improve the safety and efficiency of the surface transportation system. Since many ITS projects seek to optimize the use of existing systems and investments, cooperation and integration between different agencies and systems is essential.
The Central Ohio Regional ITS Architecture provides a specific, tailored structure for facilitating institutional agreement and technical integration for the implementation of ITS projects in the region by defining how systems functionally operate and the interconnection of information exchanges that must take place between these systems to accomplish transportation services.
Geographic Scope
The architecture addresses the 7–county region around the City of Columbus with a particular focus on the MPO transportation planning area. This transportation planning area includes Franklin and Delaware counties, as well as parts of Licking, Fairfield, and Union counties. The 7 counties include Franklin, Delaware, Licking, Fairfield, Pickaway, Madison, and Union.